Saturday, February 19, 2011

weekend away

I had a lovely weekend away with two lovely girls, Em & Leslie - thank you both!  I can't believe a week has already gone by - I made a dress, burda 7808 version B below, minus the collar + sleeves and minus the pockets.  It's made from linen I found at lincraft and it was 50% off, bargain for an attempt at a garment for me.  The dress turned out ok, I'm quite pleased as now I can see a little potential in the garment arena.  It's not quite perfect but I think I'll wear it, after a few washes it should soften up a bit and hang quite nicely.

I also added a few squares to my fabric sampler as well as some hand quilting on calico & linen.  Next time I'll be more prepared, perhaps cut things out before going - lesson learned.  I should also read the pattern instructions before just sewing pieces together.  There was a little unpicking, just a little + a little.

Whilst this isn't the cottage we stayed in (in Warragul), it's a photo taken from the front porch looking at the neighbour's verandah - I just liked it :)

It was so nice to get away.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

baby quilt

another off the un-finished list, I started this cot quilt late last year.  Bells was my little helper here, just the right size to display a cot sized quilt.

 I still prefer hand quilting to (my) machine quilting, it was fun to give it a go though.  The problem just may be that it's 'my machine quilting', perhaps with a little more practice I'll be happier with the result.  I don't think the pin basting worked for me, perhaps I should have tried the spray.  Anyway I'm happy with the colours and fabrics, I hope it will be loved by someone one day.

Monday, February 7, 2011


a new mt tape - quite therapeutic.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

a gift for a special friend

who turned 40 a few weeks ago.  A gift bag made with love.  This linen was from a scarf I made but never wore, it just wasn't me, so I'm glad some of it has been put to good use.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

a start on calico & linen

I'm loving working on this quilt, it's quite plain and simple but I love it.  I'm using wool batting left over from a previous quilt, nice and lofty.  There are some quite large areas that I'm not sure what to do with, at the moment it's just been straight lines along long narrow strips - avoiding the linen bumps.

I'm using the linen thread on the right (almost out of shot), which I've used many times before, the thread on the left I found at a recent visit to Est in Hawthorn, the website doesn't do this little shop justice.  So many lovely lovely things and the scent of all the beautiful soaps ahhhhh.  I keep a couple of their soaps in my sewing cabinet and whenever I open it I get that small pleasure.

p.s. to anonymous - I will leave a full pic of fill-in-the-blanks when the sun comes out, today it's overcast and drizzly :)