Thursday, February 3, 2011

a start on calico & linen

I'm loving working on this quilt, it's quite plain and simple but I love it.  I'm using wool batting left over from a previous quilt, nice and lofty.  There are some quite large areas that I'm not sure what to do with, at the moment it's just been straight lines along long narrow strips - avoiding the linen bumps.

I'm using the linen thread on the right (almost out of shot), which I've used many times before, the thread on the left I found at a recent visit to Est in Hawthorn, the website doesn't do this little shop justice.  So many lovely lovely things and the scent of all the beautiful soaps ahhhhh.  I keep a couple of their soaps in my sewing cabinet and whenever I open it I get that small pleasure.

p.s. to anonymous - I will leave a full pic of fill-in-the-blanks when the sun comes out, today it's overcast and drizzly :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely from what I can see. I'm a huge fan of neutral tones.
